The End Times
S.A.L.T / S4C's Men's Global Support
My Trip Into "ETERNITY"
What's After Death
Transhumanism / Fallen Angels
A Dying World / the Count Down
Our World In 2020
False Spirits In the Church

MAKING A BABY November 21st 2010 Pastor Sandy Armstrong (Now on U-tube)

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place

Acts 2:1-17


The Birth Of The Church




Click: Shavuot (or) Pentecost Feast Of Weeks



U-tube: Fetal Development From conception to birth



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Pray this prayer of Repentance & Salvation, and ask Christ Jesus to come into your life and Save you from Sin and the Wrath of God.

Father God, in the name of Jesus, Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who died on The cross because of my sins and the sins of this world.  I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, The Holy God in the form of a man, lived, was crucified, hung on a cross, died and was buried, rose up on the 3rd day and that same Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. I believe that Jesus Christ did all this for ME, and I accept Jesus Christ as MY Lord and Savior.  I am confessing with MY own mouth and I do believe in MY own heart that He truly is God.  I confess MY sins to you and you alone and I am asking for  forgiveness.                      

Romans 10:9

 I am repenting for all the wrong I have done and for dishonoring and disrespecting the Life and Death of MY Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I want to be a part of The Royal Kingdom of God, please forgive and accept me and be MY Lord and Savior Amen.

 Romans 10:10


(Service Address) 
A Global Church On A Globlal Mission  Phone: 877.426.9778 / Email:

3048 East Anaheim Street  Long Beach, California Zip code 90804 USA  

    (Mailing Address)          

 3350 East 7th street Suite 409 

Long Beach, Ca Zip: 90804